Making Footprints Not Blueprints
Welcome to the Making Footprints Not Blueprints podcast. My name is Andrew James Brown, and I’m the Minister of the Unitarian Church in Cambridge, UK.
Knowing that full scope always eludes our grasp, that there is no finality of vision, that we have perceived nothing completely, and that, therefore, tomorrow a new walk is a new walk, I hope that, on occasion, you’ll find here some helpful expressions of a creative, inquiring, free and liberative spirituality that will help and encourage you to journey through life, making footprints rather than blueprints.
Podcasting since 2020 • 183 episodes
Making Footprints Not Blueprints
Latest Episodes
S09 #01 - It is human to have compassion for those in distress - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:
Season 9
Episode 1
S08 #14 - An obvious framework of ordinary, everyday existence, or the universal life seen in every newborn child - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:
Season 8
Episode 14
S08 #13 - Norbert Fabián Čapek’s “Ten Principles of Living” - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast, including the links mentioned, can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:https...
Season 8
Episode 13