Making Footprints Not Blueprints
Welcome to the Making Footprints Not Blueprints podcast. My name is Andrew James Brown, and I’m the Minister of the Unitarian Church in Cambridge, UK.
Knowing that full scope always eludes our grasp, that there is no finality of vision, that we have perceived nothing completely, and that, therefore, tomorrow a new walk is a new walk, I hope that, on occasion, you’ll find here some helpful expressions of a creative, inquiring, free and liberative spirituality that will help and encourage you to journey through life, making footprints rather than blueprints.
183 episodes
S09 #01 - It is human to have compassion for those in distress - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:https://andrewjbrown.blogspot.com/2023/10/...
Season 9
Episode 1

S08 #14 - An obvious framework of ordinary, everyday existence, or the universal life seen in every newborn child - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:https://andrewjbrown.blogspot.com/2024/12/an...
Season 8
Episode 14

S08 #13 - Norbert Fabián Čapek’s “Ten Principles of Living” - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast, including the links mentioned, can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:https...
Season 8
Episode 13

S08 #12 - Preparing for a lowercase “c” christmas - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast, including the links mentioned, can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:https://a...
Season 8
Episode 12

S08 #11 - How can fascism be opposed in any other way than by force of arms? - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast, including the links mentioned, can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:https...
Season 8
Episode 11

S08 #10 - Every day is new, a fresh beginning - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast, including the links mentioned, can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:https://andr...
Season 8
Episode 10

S08 #09 - Living well upon wondrous, mysterious facts . . . - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast, including the links mentioned, can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:https://...
Season 8
Episode 9

S08 #08 - The therapeutic journey towards becoming free-spirits - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast, including the links mentioned, can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:https://andre...
Season 8
Episode 8

S08 #07 - Full belief in “a newer testament, — the gospel according to this moment” - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast, including the links mentioned, can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:https:/...
Season 8
Episode 7

S08 #06 - All hail to the work of the civilised worm! — the creative, inquiring, free and liberative activity of free-religion - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast, including the links mentioned, can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:https://an...
Season 8
Episode 6

S08 #05 - A secular spiritual pilgrimage around the Res publica - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast, including the links mentioned, can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:https:/...
Season 8
Episode 5

S08 #04 - Are we seeing the return of the Sea of Faith? - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast, including the links mentioned, can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:
Season 8
Episode 4

S08 #03 - It is essential to have a heart like that of the Universe - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast, including the links mentioned, can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:
Season 8
Episode 3

S08 #02 - From sounding line to lamp wick — faith in the body of the universe - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:
Season 8
Episode 2

S08 #01 - Ladies and gentlemen, roll-up, roll-up, get your free, free-religious spectacles here . . . - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:
Season 8
Episode 1

S07 #38 - Trying to encourage the Unitarian Buridan's ass to eat a hearty and sustaining meal and, once again, come into a healthy, liberal religious fullness of being - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:
Season 7
Episode 38

S07 #37 - On the need to dissent from Trump’s new theology - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast (including some photos and the Sanskrit couplet mentioned) can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:
Season 7
Episode 36

S07 Bonus Episode - Short Mindful Mediation (20 Minutes)
This is the short mindful meditation I use for the Cambridge Unitarian Church's Sunday Service of Mindful Meditation, Music & Conversation. If you would like to know more about this service or, indeed, attend in person or v...
Season 7

S07 #36 - A genuine, Unitarian mantra recalled - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast (including some photos and the Sanskrit couplet mentioned) can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:
Season 7
Episode 36

S07 #35 - The move beyond all “-isms” — being the fuller meaning and history of the Unitarian tradition - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast (and the essay mentioned herein) can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:
Season 7
Episode 35

S07 #34 - Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it. - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:
Season 7
Episode 34

S07 Bonus Episode - A brief address on the occasion of my Kikyoshiki
The full text of this podcast can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:

S07 #33 - To remind people of the creative, compassionate and cooperative, world-enhancing consequences of true, self-love - A thought for the day
The full text of this podcast can be found in the transcript of this edition or at the following link:
Season 7
Episode 33